What does UX mean to You
A couple of weeks ago I implemented Qualaroo on my blog. Qualaroo, formerly known as KISSinsights, is a survey tool made by the creators of Crazy Egg and KISSmetrics, which allows you to interact with your visitors. Running a UX blog, I wanted to find out one thing: what does UX mean to you all. In this article I share the responses I’ve received through Qualaroo.
Although I have received many responses, I’ve decided to only publish the ones that really contributed to the question at hand. I would like to thank everyone for their time and participating.
What does UX mean to you?
“UX means making life around you simpler & responsive.”
“Visitors know why they’re on x webpage, and intuitively know what they can do on that webpage and how to do it.”
“It means user satisfaction.”
“Not having cheeky pop up windows like this interrupt my browsing experience.”
“Be as near as you can by your users. Ask them, be in relation with them and do anything outside of their needs.”
“Experience while using things.”
“In my humble opinion, it means how a user feels about a website from an overall perspective. Aesthetic, navigation experience, content and level of satisfaction achieved.”
“Eliminate difficulties.”
“User experience is cringing the seconds a person takes to click ‘buy’.”
“Understanding how people feel when using a system, based on their success rate and opinions.”
“A buzzword depicting the omnipotence wet dreams of a designer unconscious of human diversity”
“Performance + emotion all throughout a Web site or an app”
“How easily people find what they are looking for on the website”
“Improving everyone’s life experience through applying design solutions based on understanding and empathy.”
“Make things look good.”
“How much fun vs. pain-in-the-arse it was to play with”
“How pleasant and ‘effective’ is to use a system.”
“Good UX is that I get it fast. That I know how to work it straight away.”
“Make it easy for me!”
“Design of intuitive interfaces to access and update information. Please note, that I do not consider features of the application to be part of UX. UX comes after features have been defined.”
“Designing for the real world for real people.”
“Leaving a website feeling like I achieved my goal.”
“It’s the first and the last impression.”
‘Simplicity. Not banality.’
‘How people feel, think, act and are influenced through interactions with information and communication technologies.’
‘Not showing stupid popups and surveys in widgets that cover the website’s content.’
‘Seamless interfacing with little backtracking.’
‘Customer satisfaction.’
I would love to hear your opinion. So what does UX mean to you?
Great survey!! Time to think why we are improving user experience.
To me, user experience is an opportunity to make life easier, people smile shinier and the world better.
I plan to give a short speech (5-7min) on what I do as a user experience in my ToastMasters club. Would you mind if I quote some of the survey answers in your post? I can share the speech afterwards (hope I will do it well!) :)
Hi Yingying,
thank you for contributing. I don’t mind the least to quote some of the answers and I would love to read a transcript of the speech. Looking forward!
I am still crafting it, and I will share the script afterwards :) It’s for an audience body that is not IT at all so I need to avoid being too techy ;)