Category Research & Research Methods

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Research helps UX designers to identify, prove or disprove assumptions and hypothesis. It helps you to recognize the users’ goals, needs and mental models. In this category, we have not only collected research papers on all kind of use cases but also methods on how to perform your own research.

Traditional research methods are by no means dead, as data analytics and attitudinal continue to be a favorite. However, in the last couple of years, a different method has come to surface, making product creators reassess how they evaluate their product’s use and success. This method is known as behavioral research. What is Behavioral Research?… continue reading

Special offers that can expire at any moment. Little extra’s getting into your shopping cart without asking. A ‘free delivery’ option, which in fact is a hidden subscription. New research has mapped these little tricks. They are being called “Dark Patterns”. These manipulative techniques, often on the edge of being illegal, are being used to… continue reading

Most experienced designers do have a fair idea of what constitutes a great UX design. This instinct driven work has been the norm in the industry since its inception. But there is another big hurdle that designers face when designing the UX. They have a hard time proving that a certain feature would work better… continue reading

Measuring the success of your optimisation efforts is essential to keep improving progressively. But how do you measure your efforts of optimising the usability? With the help of the System Usability Scale (SUS). In this post I would like to share my personal experience. As you might know, I work as a UX Designer for… continue reading

You’ve likely heard the old saying that “bigger is better.” When it comes to online fonts and reading, new research strongly suggests that this applies to the web in particular. This study is especially significant because it generally goes against the grain of what we’ve always been told regarding web readability in a big way.… continue reading

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- Paul