Articles tagged ‘user experience’
Traditional research methods are by no means dead, as data analytics and attitudinal continue to be a favorite. However, in the last couple of years, a different method has come to surface, making product creators reassess how they evaluate their product’s use and success. This method is known as behavioral research. What is Behavioral Research?… continue reading
Many designers and digital marketers are giving user experience more and more emphasis as the number of people interacting in the digital world grows. User experience can be a defining factor in whether or not a product fails or succeeds. Most of the time, users and even experts confuse UX with usability when in fact… continue reading
Business leaders have plenty of things to deal with on a daily basis, and they have to strike a fine balance between investing in the future and protecting the demands of the present. It isn’t an easy thing to do. They rely on their advisors and employees to bring them the information they need to… continue reading
For much of the history of computers, the focus has lain with the functionality of computers. It was about getting the job done. Very little consideration was given to how users feel while getting the job done. This makes a lot of sense when we consider that computers were always intended to be tools. A… continue reading
Wouldn’t it be great if we knew every time our users are having trouble with our website? And if we could make every single one of them fall in love with our company? Well I think we both know the answer to those questions. Your website is much like your company’s personality. Clashing personalities often… continue reading