Category Research & Research Methods

Research helps UX designers to identify, prove or disprove assumptions and hypothesis. It helps you to recognize the users’ goals, needs and mental models. In this category, we have not only collected research papers on all kind of use cases but also methods on how to perform your own research.

Many website owners have persistent misconceptions about users, which could lead to a bad interface design and overall user experience. During meetings, when discussing new features or reviewing an existing one, website owners and managers often use their own experience and behavioral habits with a website to praise or shoot down the idea. How many… continue reading

I’ve read a lot of articles with endless bullet points on how to improve a website’s usability. Unfortunately I rarely come across a post bringing up text layout or typography (heck, I even forgot about it in my previous posts). However, when it does, it seems to be limited to the optimal line length. Is… continue reading

Participatory design research is the art and science of inviting users and stakeholders to play an active role during the design and development process. It starts from the premise that all people are creative and are able to express (and address) their needs, desires, emotions and pain points with the help of ambiguous stimuli and… continue reading

Heatmaps are visual representations of data and, in case of websites, point out with which content people interact with, how deep a page they scroll, how they move the mouse around the screen, etc. This is done by tracking the mouse clicks and mouse movement of the visitor. Different heatmaps can be generated, depending on… continue reading

provides you with all the tools to generate actionable insights, both desktop as mobile.“
- Paul