Empathy in UX Design

Oct 24, 2013

Empathy – the capacity to recognize emotions that are being experienced by another person – is one of the many ‘soft’ skills a great UX designer should possess. Empathising with users leads to a genuine understanding of how to solve their problem and ultimately building better products. Many great authors have written about the subject.… continue reading

The Decoy Effect in Price Tables

Sep 24, 2013

As a UX Designer I like to understand why some design patterns work while others stand in the way of a great user experience or perform outright counterproductive. I found myself intrigued by the psychology of persuasion, how these techniques are used throughout the web and how it affects our decision making. One of those techniques is… continue reading

Multiple Device Testing using Open Device Labs

Sep 10, 2013

Ask any interactive designer or developer what the most time-consuming, tedious part of their job is. The answer is almost always “testing”. While designing and developing a website or app can be a lot of work, it’s the testing of it on a wide variety of devices that most makes us want to put our… continue reading

Introduction to Mobile UX

Jul 30, 2013

Mobile has changed the way we interact with content. As UX practitioners, we need to rethink the design paradigm for the web. Simply translating desktop designs to mobile screens is not an option. Small touch screens on smartphones, tablets, and e-readers change the way users input and interact with content. Established desktop behaviors (i.e. mouse… continue reading

A Book Review of The Design of Everyday Things

Jul 23, 2013

The Design of Everyday Things is a best selling book by cognitive scientist and usability engineer Donald A Norman. Originally published in 1988 as “The Psychology of Everyday Things”, the emphasis of his book is on people, and how we, as human beings, interact with psychical objects. Did you ever stand in front of a… continue reading

provides you with all the tools to generate actionable insights, both desktop as mobile.“
- Paul