Articles tagged ‘data’

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Artificial intelligence has quickly become a part of our everyday lives. As businesses across all types of industries realize the benefits of artificial intelligence, they are able to simplify routine tasks and transform their business. User experience is a crucial component in a company’s ability to deliver the highest quality service to their customers. Now,… continue reading

The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (otherwise known as GDPR) went into effect on May 25th 2018, and caused a massive upheaval in the online business world. Though it had been lined up two years prior, its more obtuse elements and varying significance outside of Europe meant that many businesses left it until the last… continue reading

Most experienced designers do have a fair idea of what constitutes a great UX design. This instinct driven work has been the norm in the industry since its inception. But there is another big hurdle that designers face when designing the UX. They have a hard time proving that a certain feature would work better… continue reading

Using data to drive design is relatively easy to encourage people to “like”. When I speak about how I use data to help designers make decisions, I tend to see people nod and look interested. But, it still takes a lot of steps from “interest” to “application”.   I don’t think interest is the problem… continue reading

provides you with all the tools to generate actionable insights, both desktop as mobile.“
- Paul